Killion Raymond

   Raymond Killion

                                                          4th Grade Teacher
                                                          Pathfinder Elementary


My name is Ray Killion. I will have the children call me Mr. K. I look  forward to working in the Platte County School District at Pathfinder.  I will teach fourth grade. I have been in the education world since 2004. I have taught Pre Kindergarten and English Language Learners. As an English Language Learner teacher I taught many writing and reading lessons. I took a break from education for about five years to open a gymnastic school. I will still run the gym at night and will teach during the day.  My education background is that I have an associate degree in Early Childhood, a bachelors in Elementary Education and a Masters in Literacy Education. I look forward to working with you all. 


Class Schedule 

9:00 till 9:15 Morning Meeting / Opening Circle

9:15 till 9:30 Lead Time

9:30 till 10:20 Specials

A: Art

B: Library

C: Music


10:20 till 11:00 Writer’s Workshop

11:00 till 12:25 Math Workshop

12:25 till 1:00 Lunch (12:31 12:56) Row C

1:00 till 1:30 Science / Social Studies

1:30 till 2:55 Reader’s Workshop 

2:55 till 3:25 Recess

3:25 till 3:30 Transition back to classroom

3:30 till 3:50 Pack-Up and Closing Circle

Contact Information

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 816-436-6670